3 Reasons Why Electrochromic Displays Will Boom in 2019

The development of the internet has brought about a wide range of global changes. One could argue that IoT (Internet of Things) is without a doubt one of the bigger changes. With IoT growth, many other technologies pushed forward in order to provide a smooth expansion of the global IoT network — which is where electrochromic displays enter the game.

There is a multitude of reasons why electrochromic displays will boom in 2019, and we are going to look at the top three most important ones. This includes two-way efficiency, flexibility and the expansion of batteryless IoT devices. Let’s dive deeper and examine each of the reasons.

Electrochromic Displays for Internet of Things

Two-Way Efficiency

The electrochromic displays are efficient in two ways. The first type of efficiency revolves around energy expenditure. Unlike other seven segment technologies, which we have already covered, electrochromic displays are extremely energy efficient. In use cases where the image is updated from 4 up to 600 times per day, this is the most efficient display type you can use.

On the other hand, there is also the cost of using these displays. Usually, implementation of new technologies often require high financial investments. This, however, is not the case with electrochromic displays. They are both eco-friendly and extremely inexpensive to make. This cost efficiency ensures that adoption of these displays is going to significantly increase in the coming years. This two-way efficiency is the most important reason why electrochromic displays will boom in 2019.


When discussing flexibility in regard to electrochromic displays, the word flexibility can be interpreted in two different ways. The first interpretation is the literal flexibility or bendability of the displays, and the second interpretation is the customizability in terms of displays with various colours, dimensions, shapes, and forms.

How this relates to the boom of electrochromic displays in 2019 is actually quite simple — these displays have an extreme range uses for different products, meaning they are suitable for IoT, sensors, packaging, medical technology and a wide range of consumer electronics.

Regardless of the size or shape you require for your display, electrochromic displays will take the challenges or your requirements in stride. The seemingly limitless uses across several industries is why electrochromic displays will boom in 2019.

Electrochromic Displays for Internet of Things

Expansion of Batteryless IoT Devices

IoT is yet to expand in the near future. As there are various IoT applications, it is also important to mention batteryless IoT applications in which electrochromic displays are going to be quite handy. Their primary advantage over other screen types is extremely low energy consumption.

These displays are ideal for self-sustaining IoT devices that are powered via one of the energy harvesting technologies such as photovoltaics (solar panels) or NFC. With the growth of these types of IoT devices, it’s clear that electrochromic displays are going to be the best available choice. This is another crucial reason why electrochromic displays will boom in 2019.

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Why Electrochromic Displays Will Boom in 2019 - Concluding Thoughts

Due to there being plenty of ways in which electrochromic displays can be utilized, it is safe to assume there is a bright future for this technology. IoT expansion is without a doubt going to be the biggest driver of this technology’s growth, though electrochromic displays will also continue to secure their place in other industries.

We hope that we have answered the question of why electrochromic displays will bloom in 2019. Feel free to leave your email if you have any questions, we will get back to you.

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